This app provides the dictionary of difficult words
We all know what the words cat and dog and mother and tree mean. What we really need is a dictionary that helps us with the tough words, like elucubrate, or demesne, or cynosure
This app is designed to meet this need. It features more than 14,500 entries that focus exclusively on words that, while outside most peoples working vocabulary, are often encountered in literature, in technical writings (such as computing or medical terminology), and in such diverse subject areas as law, philosophy, and art.
Entries contain pronunciations, parts of speech, concise definitions, example sentences showing the word used in context, and etymologies when a words history may shed light on its meaning.
▸ User-defined list
- Create custom lists
▸ Basic features include:
- Easy navigation
- Bookmark a word
- Words of the day
- Learn random words
- Flashcard
- Multiple choice quizzes
▸ If you want to suggest a new function or report an issue, please send feedback to us. Thank you!